Momentous Moments of Prayer

Momentous Moments cause us to move in one of two directions. Either we respond by running toward the Savior in prayer or react by running away in fear & perhaps other looming emotions. Hopefully as we yield to the Spirit in residence, we respond more than we react. Our trek to Uganda proved to provide us with several such opportunities for growth 😀

Finally arrived in Uganda with all of our luggage!
 12hr Delay turns Good
So the nite before leaving, Andy realizes that our plane leaving SFO is delayed which means we will miss our connection with the rest of the team in Amsterdam. So at 10:30p he is able to contact the US Carrier to put us on the same flight to start the trek to Uganda with the team from Vintage Grace, Sacramento. At 11:30p we now know we leave at 4a with our new itinerary.
Oh well, we’ve done this before & God is good to bless us with a sweet friend to take us at such wee hours…Only to arrive in Minn & have our flight delayed there 8hrs becuz a bird flew into one of the planes’ engines we were to take! ✈️ so we did miss the Amsterdam connection – but at least we’re all together !!!!!
Priceless: our time together as a team & a visit with baby granddaughter for Andy & Kathy in Minnesota.

Smoke Alarmingly Brief
Upon arriving a whole day late now (with normal layover in Kenya) poor Andy & Cyprian are rapidly putting together the handouts & certificates with the new printer Andy has brought over for FFCM 💻 .
Suddenly, SNAP, POP, POOF of Smoke🔌 when the plug is inadvertently put in the wrong outlet met with trepidations that the printer is now fried.  Bummer of all bummers! So we begin to pray silently as Andy refires the printer and we have our very own miracle ~ it WORKS !!
Priceless: God’s Gracious Supply of a Miracle

Andy and Cyprian Teaching on Discipleship
Our Team at Ssezibwa Falls
Stretched to Share
Jet lag and on the go visiting mission sites including attending a fun introductory/engagement party means a servant heart with little sleep stretches one out of their comfort zone 😍 Each of the team shared a personal testimony of how they came to the Lord as part of our “Come & See” Discipleship theme for the Leadership conference.
Priceless: how engaged our African brother & sisters were with insightful questions!
Praise God for how He continues to work our midst here ❤️ The Spirit is quickening …Marriages are being set right & churches are growing, even doubling in size! And precious conversations fill the rural village church between Ugandans & those from America. Beautiful relating among Christians discussing & encouraging discipleship and care for one another👭👬👫

Thank you for your prayerful & financial support in helping to make all this possible!
Serving the Kingdom with Joy,
Andy & Kathy Sodestrom

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